Day Eleven – South Coast Cruising

I know it’s been a while since one of these went up, and there’s been a whole lot of reasons that maybe I’ll get to later, but finally, here’s the next chapter:

My alarm was beeping, and I was lying in a nice comfy bed. I was all alone, in a huge room. It took me a moment to remember where exactly I was, but as I got out of bed I remembered Tom and his generosity in putting me up in his pub, The Crown. What had been looking like a cold night beside a road somewhere had ended up nice and comfy!

All was quiet in The Crown at that time of the morning, and I didn’t see a soul as I gathered my stuff then slipped out the side door. It was quiet and cold and there was a light mist – basically a beautiful morning for a ride. I’d stocked up with food in the servo the night before, so I was able to roll along without stopping for the first hour and a half, before it warmed up enough that I wanted to take off a layer. Stopping to stash my clothing I also glanced at my phone, and suddenly I had a worry – was the bridge out?

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