Day 4 – Sore in Serbia

There had been some discussion at CP2 about routes through Serbia. Several people said that they were going north around Belgrade because they didn’t want to get slowed down. I could see their point, but my route took me straight through the middle. I was basically going to ride north until I hit the Danube, and then follow it through the city before heading off towards Croatia.

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Day 3 – Struggles in Serbia

Day Three started well, crossing into Serbia. I’m sure others have different strategies, but for me having landmarks and milestones helps with my motivation, and crossing a border counts as a milestone. It isn’t all good though – in this case it also came with a change of language (not that my Bulgarian was good enough to be much benefit) and a change of currency. Serbian currency is actually quite difficult to get outside of Serbia, so like many others I was relying on finding an ATM, or failing that people who would accept payment with card or Euro/Bulgarian Lev.

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Day 2 – Bulgarian Heat

Riding strongly is an important part of winning TCR, but just as important if not more so is being efficient in everything you do. There are really only a few things that are important, and if you can do them all quickly and nothing else then you will be well ahead of most people.

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Day 1 – the long version

Ok, my plan now is to do much more detailed write-ups and post them over the coming weeks. The fundraising has been going really well – thanks to contributions from a whole lot of wonderful people I have passed my goal, but I’ll keep it open here just in case anyone still wants a chance donate. Forgive me if these write-ups are too long, i had a lot of time to think on the bike!

Race day! It started perfectly – but that only lasted about 5 minutes. Many years ago I worked in Bulgaria, and had a great guy working with me who taught me a lot. In particular, there is an ancient Bulgarian saying that has been passed down from generation to generation, that this guy shared with me. I followed it for quite a while, but the night before had chosen to ignore it. I’m not sure if that was the cause, but it meant that in the hours before the race any spare fluids I had were rapidly exiting my body. The saying was “Don’t eat the small meat, Rowan”.

Continue reading “Day 1 – the long version”

And finished!

Well, the short story is that I made it. I was nowhere near as fast as my original plan, but just completing the course is an achievement and to be honest I am satisfied – for now.

Continue reading “And finished!”

Days Seven & Eight: Small days but important

The last two days have had very small numbers, but been important and tough days. I’ve started having problems with a whole lot of different areas, but these two days have been about figuring out how to ride despite those problems. The good news Continue reading “Days Seven & Eight: Small days but important”

Day Six: Slovenia is beautiful

Today I’m in Slovenia (I should be in Italy). Slovenia is just beautiful. I’ve barely ridden today as I tried to work out a few little issues, but I’ve still enjoyed the day a lot, seeing just how beautiful the place is.Anyway, I’m about 20km from Italy now and it seems there will be storms all night, and then all day tomorrow. I found a public camp area with a roof, so at least I’ll be dryish until I set out tomorrow!