Day Five – Time for Some Pictures

A good night’s sleep would have done me good. I was exhausted, and when I had climbed into my bivvy I had pretty much just closed my eyes and been instantly asleep, but now my eyes snapped open and although it was pitch dark I was wide awake, and I was worried.

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Day Four – Race for the Border

It was grey. That was the first thing that struck me when I woke – the sky was grey. Given that I was about to ride a couple of hundred kilometres through basically desert, a grey sky wasn’t a bad thing. Clear skies and baking sun make for a tough day on the bike. Lower temperatures would make it much more pleasant. Driving torrential rain, on the other hand, would make it less pleasant. So for the first moments as I lay in my bivvy looking up at the grey sky I was wondering which of those it would turn out to be. Then I realised that whichever it was going to be, right now it was actually pretty good for riding, so best I get up and do so.

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