Day 14.75: All the way

I had to make it before I slept again, I just had to. I only had about 300km to go, and I could easily do that in a day. At least, I should have been easily able to do that in a day. The only problem was, it was windy. I’d stopped behind a big hedge the night before and was in a pretty sheltered place, but still I could hear the wind before I even opened my bivy. I lay still and listened for a moment, but that didn’t seem to help the situation, so I gave up and opened my bivy.

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Day 14: I really hoped I’d be faster than that!

I woke up to a light rain. No problem – it was the same light rain I had gone to sleep to, and I had found a pretty good spot, well sheltered under some trees. In fact as the sky got brighter and I started to see more of what was around me I realised I could have been much better sheltered by an abandoned building that must have been just outside my lights the night before, but no matter. I shook my bivy dry but didn’t worry too much about having some damp sleeping gear. After all, I was so close to the finish now that maybe I wouldn’t even need to use it again. Right?

Continue reading “Day 14: I really hoped I’d be faster than that!”

Day 13: That still isn’t really fast…

The room was getting lighter. Last night I had collapsed into the bed of a cheap hotel on the outskirts of Lyon, and now the room was getting lighter. I grabbed my watch. It was well after dawn and I was still in the same bed. I had forgotten to set my alarm!

Continue reading “Day 13: That still isn’t really fast…”