Day 15 – Giving Cowboys a Bad Name

It was a crisp, clear, beautiful morning when I woke up for day 15, and I lay there and appreciated it for a while before I dragged myself out of bed. When I finally did I surprised to realise that it wasn’t even particularly cold – I concluded that the night before I had basically just been scared, and looking for any half-way reasonable excuse to pull over. Today, though, I figured that everyone who had survived the night would be busy sleeping off their hangovers for at least half the day, making it a good time to get on my bike and enjoy the quiet roads!

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Day 14: Mostly Good Friday

After my very late arrival the night before, this was a late start. I stopped to have a very nice breakfast with my generous hosts first, before finally heading off just after 9am. I rode for about half an hour before becoming very conscious of the sun on my ears again. It was still quite cool (I was wearing a jacket) so just pulling my buff up to cover my ears as well as my neck seemed like an easy solution.

While it was still cool this was a great solution to protect my ears!

The road undulated with a general upwards trend for the first hour and a bit out of Yarra Junction, before settling into a nice steady climb for 4km and then zipping back down the hill to Noojee.

Continue reading “Day 14: Mostly Good Friday”

Day 13 – The People Make the Race

The day started well, with a quick breakfast at Bernadette’s, and a briefing on the upcoming roads, before getting on the bike in time to enjoy an absolutely glorious sunrise. Bernadette had mentioned that I stood a fair chance of running into the local hard-core rider, who went up the road most mornings, and sure enough it wasn’t long until I ran into her and her husband. It made for a very pleasant spin up the road to Lorn, with fantastic weather, hardly any traffic, and good conversation. Just a brilliant start to the day.

A sunrise to make your heart sing

By the time I reached Lorn I’d ridden 45km and it was definitely time for second breakfast, so a bit of a stop to refuel and restock was in order.

Continue reading “Day 13 – The People Make the Race”