I’ve been having some blog problems of late. They came at an unfortunate time, right as I was getting ready for the Indian Pacific Wheel Ride, so I didn’t really have any time to work out what was going on. That means updates for that race were – well… non-existent. The good news is that if you’re reading this, the blog must be working again.
If the blog is working again, then it’s probably a good time for me to start writing about IndyPac. It’s been a tough couple of weeks, filled with amazing sunrises, fantastic food, awful food, food that just needed to be calories, fantastic people, awful people (but really not many of them), beautiful views, photos of the damage to my butt (don’t worry, I promise they won’t get posted), headwinds, brilliant climbs, breathtaking sunsets, cold pizza, lumpy beds and great times. My plan is to go through and share it all with you – it might take a while to get to the end (just like the ride) but the posts will start soon!

I won’t promise that they’ll be regular, but if you subscribe (there should be a button off to the right or down the bottom or somewhere, depending on what device you’re using) then you’ll get notifications when they go up!
Huge kudos to you, look forward to your updates
Bring it on. Everything but the butt pics!