Day 3 – not what I hoped for

On paper, 215Ikm with 1800m sounds like a pretty easy day. In practice, it was the toughest day I’ve had on the race so far. I knew the Parcours for CP2 was going to be tough, and off-road. I wasn’t delighted, but I knew it and accepted it. What I found though was terrible!

That was basically just a horrible mountain to climb on/with a road bike, and at least as bad to descend. I would be seriously surprised if anyone managed to ride up it all – even with a full suspension mountain bike I wouldn’t have. Instead, I spent hours pushing/carrying my bike up and down a path strewn with massive rocks.

The view from the top was nice, but honestly I would have preferred the view from the top of a mountain – any mountain – with a good road going up it. Still, I got there, and hopefully from here the roads will get a bit better as we head west. Unfortunately I wasn’t unscathed – I was all but at the bottom when I moved over for someone starting his way up. He headed straight towards me anyway, so I moved over further, lost my front wheel in some sand, and landed with a thud. Luckily it was mostly sand by that point so I was basically ok other than a few grazes, but my front mech wasn’t so lucky and needed a bit of attention before I could carry on from CP3.

Eventually I got it done and got myself cleaned up, and headed north. I really wanted a shower though, so when I saw an open hotel it seemed like a good idea. Even better because as I had that shower host Sergio and his wife were busy in the kitchen making me pasta!

Anyway, now I’m fed, clean, stretched (I think as a response to the bump my knee decided to tighten up on me today, but I’m sure it’ll be ok…) so it’s time to sleep!

One Reply to “Day 3 – not what I hoped for”

  1. hi rowan, poor guy because the road really looks aweful; good that you didi not hurt you seriously; hope all becomes better! see you – dieter

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