I really enjoy writing these blog posts. I spoke to someone a while ago who said he would never write a blog, because he is riding for himself rather than to win approval of a whole lot of people he has never met, so there is no point writing about it afterwards. I disagree completely. For a start, the blog has nothing to do with a whole lot of people, there aren’t that many of you who read it! Secondly, writing the blog lets me relive the ride but without the pain, cold, heat, wind and rain, so I just get the enjoyment which brings a whole lot of new memories. Not all of them make it into these posts because (I admit it) I would like to keep the readers I do have but the people I see every day get to hear little extra details and stories as I relive it all and remember them. And the third point is that I love getting feedback on them. Some of it comes in comments (check how quick this post has been Anthony, less than a week!) and some through other mediums. From my last post I specifically got a lot of feedback about my variety of optimism. Some of it was even good, but my favourite bit came from one of my favourite people in the whole world, who told me that it is known in academic literature as “mental contrasting with implementation intentions”. I love it. Now on with the story, which is about to take a terrible twist!
Continue reading “Day 11: The day my victory was snatched from me!”