Day Nine – Half Way!

It’s IndyPac season! As I write this, I have one monitor tuned to the 2022 race, and I’m watching the facebook feed on my phone. I know a lot of the dots, and I really wish I was one of them. I’m not, so I’m compensating, by writing about my own adventures. Next up is Day Nine.

It was dark, when the alarm went off. I lay in bed for a moment, appreciating having gotten a good night’s sleep in a comfortable bed, then I threw back the covers and got up to greet the day. I’d saved a slice of pizza from the night before to get me started on breakfast, so I gulped that down as I got dressed then I rolled out into the pre-dawn light.

Continue reading “Day Nine – Half Way!”

Day Eight – A Dark Day

The next day dawned… well, grey and overcast to be honest. I headed out of the hotel and went straight to get breakfast. Someone decided at some point that Kimba is halfway across Australia, and to celebrate that they (or someone else) erected a giant Galah. I really can’t think of a better way of marking the halfway point, even if it is actually only the halfway point if you are taking a specific route from Perth through to Sydney. Well, to be honest, I can think of one better way, but happily they also built a bakery, so they had all bases covered, and I had breakfast covered.

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Day 14.75: All the way

I had to make it before I slept again, I just had to. I only had about 300km to go, and I could easily do that in a day. At least, I should have been easily able to do that in a day. The only problem was, it was windy. I’d stopped behind a big hedge the night before and was in a pretty sheltered place, but still I could hear the wind before I even opened my bivy. I lay still and listened for a moment, but that didn’t seem to help the situation, so I gave up and opened my bivy.

Continue reading “Day 14.75: All the way”

The road to the finish line is seldom straight…

…so just before we head there, here’s a short little detour, in case you were worried that there wouldn’t be more racing!

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Day 14: I really hoped I’d be faster than that!

I woke up to a light rain. No problem – it was the same light rain I had gone to sleep to, and I had found a pretty good spot, well sheltered under some trees. In fact as the sky got brighter and I started to see more of what was around me I realised I could have been much better sheltered by an abandoned building that must have been just outside my lights the night before, but no matter. I shook my bivy dry but didn’t worry too much about having some damp sleeping gear. After all, I was so close to the finish now that maybe I wouldn’t even need to use it again. Right?

Continue reading “Day 14: I really hoped I’d be faster than that!”

A few random excellent pics around CP1 by someone’s dad (I think)

Pic credits to S. Heiskanen

See how white my gear was at that point!

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Day 13: That still isn’t really fast…

The room was getting lighter. Last night I had collapsed into the bed of a cheap hotel on the outskirts of Lyon, and now the room was getting lighter. I grabbed my watch. It was well after dawn and I was still in the same bed. I had forgotten to set my alarm!

Continue reading “Day 13: That still isn’t really fast…”

Day 12: The Day of Bad Language (Sorry)

The messages I was sending weren’t good:

“Shit” – 5:04pm

“My charger is dead” – 5:04pm

“Shit” – 5:04pm

“There’s no way I’m getting there by Saturday” – 5:05pm

“I need to get to grenoblw now” – 5:05pm

“Fuck. Bolt dead.” – 5:07pm

Yes, you read that right. I really spelt Grenoble “grenoblw”. But just at that moment things were seeming pretty tough, so please, cut me some slack… Continue reading “Day 12: The Day of Bad Language (Sorry)”

Day 11: The day my victory was snatched from me!

I really enjoy writing these blog posts. I spoke to someone a while ago who said he would never write a blog, because he is riding for himself rather than to win approval of a whole lot of people he has never met, so there is no point writing about it afterwards. I disagree completely. For a start, the blog has nothing to do with a whole lot of people, there aren’t that many of you who read it! Secondly, writing the blog lets me relive the ride but without the pain, cold, heat, wind and rain, so I just get the enjoyment which brings a whole lot of new memories. Not all of them make it into these posts because (I admit it) I would like to keep the readers I do have but the people I see every day get to hear little extra details and stories as I relive it all and remember them. And the third point is that I love getting feedback on them. Some of it comes in comments (check how quick this post has been Anthony, less than a week!) and some through other mediums. From my last post I specifically got a lot of feedback about my variety of optimism. Some of it was even good, but my favourite bit came from one of my favourite people in the whole world, who told me that it is known in academic literature as “mental contrasting with implementation intentions”. I love it. Now on with the story, which is about to take a terrible twist!

Continue reading “Day 11: The day my victory was snatched from me!”

Day 10: A most significant day

Many people, when they hear of an idea that they like, respond by saying how good the idea is, and how much they like it. Not me. That isn’t the way my mind works. If you suggest an idea that I really like, my immediate reaction will be to list every single hurdle, issue, danger, obstacle or difficulty that I can think of.

It’s a response that makes a lot of people think I’m a pessimist, and I can sort of understand why they think that, but they’re really missing the point all together. I’m not listing the obstacles to try and convince you that it won’t work, I’m listing them so that together we can make sure it does work. I might even already have a solution for some of the obstacles I list, but unless I’m absolutely sure that my solution is a cracker I’ll still list the obstacle without mentioning my solution, because you may well come up with something much better if I just give you a few moments to think about it yourself. Basically, if I start telling you the problems with an idea it means that I think we can make it work, not that we can’t. If I think it can’t work, I will just say “nah, won’t work” and move on to something else. So it isn’t pessimism, it’s optimism, but an optimism that thinks the best chances of success come from examining all of the possibilities for failure (and then trying to make sure that they don’t happen).

What that means though, is that I always look at the possibilities of failure.

Continue reading “Day 10: A most significant day”