Day Four: Serbia

It’s been another tough day, but workable. Still only 330km and around 1800m, and given the profile I really should have done more, but for now I’ve grabbed a hotel. I’m around 60km from Croatia so I should get there ok in the morning.

I managed to get through Belgrade, which honestly was a relief. As I sat at a roadside snack stand and adjusted my shoes this afternoon (which I hope is going to have a big impact) I watched three guys drive up, get themselves drinks (and no, I don’t mean a coke), down the drinks then get back in their respective cars and drive off it very much solidified in my mind that I like Serbia, but I don’t like the driving!

Anyway, Croatia tomorrow which I hope will be better!

My body is still mostly holding together – having banged my knee yesterday while performing a trick dismount it was feeling a bit tender today, but nothing extreme. I’ve got sore feet, which I hope I helped with that adjustment, a sore posterior, and pretty much everything else has the sort of general sore that comes with 18 hours a day being shaken about, followed by not enough sleep before repeating. Oh, and an impressive ring of blisters all the way around my leg from where my knicks rubbed. Other than that though, feeling pretty good. I think, when you allow for the fatigue, that I am actually to a small extent riding myself into shape, so if only it was a 12 month long event I might still be in with a shot to win.

Meanwhile, the fundraising is going very well and remains well ahead of the ride pace, thanks to some amazingly generous donations. Many thanks to all who have contributed, with every donation, big or small, being appreciated and going to a great cause.

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