By my reading of the tracker, you’re in 9th position. If you only rode 10% faster, and forewent an hours’ sleep each day, you’ll hit Melbourne first. And if you keep that up, you rake in all the Basil prize money! You’re lucky that I’m your Ideas Man.
Of course, 10% and an hour less, why didn’t I think of that? Ah, that’s right – because I didn’t need to, you’re the ideas man! And can I just say here that your ideas are worth every cent I pay you for them!
Ahhh the wonderful port Augusta! Just slightly less creepy than the number 1 creepy town of all time, Ceduna.
Anthony is the ideas man and when you win all the cash you will have to split it with him, minus my 10% contribution fee.
By my reading of the tracker, you’re in 9th position. If you only rode 10% faster, and forewent an hours’ sleep each day, you’ll hit Melbourne first. And if you keep that up, you rake in all the Basil prize money! You’re lucky that I’m your Ideas Man.
Of course, 10% and an hour less, why didn’t I think of that? Ah, that’s right – because I didn’t need to, you’re the ideas man! And can I just say here that your ideas are worth every cent I pay you for them!
Ahhh the wonderful port Augusta! Just slightly less creepy than the number 1 creepy town of all time, Ceduna.
Anthony is the ideas man and when you win all the cash you will have to split it with him, minus my 10% contribution fee.